Building Mancilla tinta china (Black Ink)
Perspectiva de un edificio comercial y de oficinas, el diseño es del Arq. Mancilla, dado su tamaño 0,60x0,50 no lo pude escanear, así que la foto no es muy buena.
El bosquejo inicial se realizo con lápiz en papel mantequilla y la perspectiva se termino con grafos Staedler; 02, 05, 08 con texturas lineares para acentuar los materiales, se utilizo papel vegetal.
El problema del papel vegetal es que si no tiene mucho gramaje es muy sensible a la humedad, en este caso como podrán apreciar se ondulo en varias partes; por eso muchas lineas son curvas cuando en realidad son rectas.
Es una perspectiva a vista de observador con dos puntos de fuga.
Perspective of a commercial building and offices, the design is of the Arq. Mancilla, given its size 0,60x0,50 I could not scan it, so the photo is not very good.
The initial sketch was made with pencil on butter paper and the perspective was finished with Staedler graphs; 02, 05, 08 with linear textures to accentuate the materials, vegetable paper was used.
The problem of the vegetal paper is that if it does not have a lot of grammage it is very sensible to the humidity, in this case as you will be able to appreciate it undulated in several parts; that is why many lines are curved when in fact they are straight.
It is an observer perspective view with two vanishing points.
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