Proyecto Casa Cali (Cali House Project)

 Bosquejo inicial para una vivienda multifamiliar de cuatro niveles, preparado con portaminas 05 HB y boligrafo azul para el acabado.

Initial sketch for a four-level multi-family home, prepared with 05 HB mechanical pencil and blue pen for finishing.

Bosquejo realizado luego de preparar los planos base con Autocad con la propuesta formal, funcional y tecnologica mas definida ya que el propietario queria un estilo sencillo; como veran se cambiaron algunas cosas como el ingreso al garaje que anteriormente estaba en la parte central de la fachada, al final se ubico al lado derecho. La tecnica de representacion es mixta con un style del SU incluyendo edicion con el SketchBook.

Sketch made after preparing the base plans with Autocad with the most defined formal, functional and technological proposal since the owner wanted a simple style; As you will see, some things were changed, such as the entrance to the garage that was previously in the central part of the façade, in the end it was located on the right side. The representation technique is mixed with a SU style including editing with SketchBook.

Del Autocad se exporto los planos en 2D al SU donde se concluyo el volumen en 3D; ubicando las texturas y colores de los materiales para finalmente preparar las vistas fotorealistas con el Artlantis Studio.   

From Autocad, the 2D plans were exported to the SU where the 3D volume was concluded; locating the textures and colors of the materials to finally prepare the photorealistic views with the Artlantis Studio.

Perspectiva aerea del proyecto.

Aerial perspective of the project.


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